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Getting Out There


I've never been a writer and i've never been a guy to share my life on social media. This is why i'm starting this blog. I need to get out of my comfort zone and really get myself out there. I believe that one of the best ways of growing & learning is pushing yourself outside your comfort zone. So here goes nothing with this first ever blog post! 😉

Who is Jonas?

Jonas has the urge. The urge to create things. It's a blessing and it is a curse. It's hard to ever be completely satisfied with the things you create, because you're always looking for perfection. But what is perfection? Will it ever be reached? I doubt it. And that's what makes life great. There's always something to pursue.

I always knew that I wanted to be my own boss. One way or another. It's a little flame that always have been blooming inside me, but just recently has grown into a full on flamethrower!  The problem is, that I never knew which way I was going to go to fulfill that goal. Right until about 5 years ago, when I discovered the world of software development and realized that it wasn't as complicated and hard as I was led to believe.

I was hooked from day one. I've been using and experimenting with computers and the internet my whole life and now I could make my own programs and applications? Sign me up! I enrolled in a kind of bootcamp and rather quickly learned how to put together a website. Through that, I was jumping around in different areas like scripting, app development, arduinos, game development, machine learning and the list goes on. The most important thing was that I learned programming and how computers work. Now i feel like I can teach myself just about anyhting if I set my mind to it. But nothing was ever released to the world.


I don't even remember how I stumbled upon this this, but boy am I glad I did. A community filled with likeminded people.  I've been a lurker for some time, and in this time I learned that we're all in the same boat. That inspired me to finally get some projects done and showing them to the world. 

I got a whole list of projects that I want to build, which I plan to launch every now and then. Hopefully some of them will gain some traction, but who knows. I'm also rather sure some of them will crash and burn. I'm in it for the learning experience aswell so I won't be bummed out.


"Just do it" everyone says.  Okay then. is an app that helps you organizing your desktop from unnecessary clutter. With Stickley you can create an online board and create as many post-its as you'd like.


The idea behind it came because I was tired of my laptop and desk looking like above image. It's a super simple software and extremely easy to get started. You can access it anywhere through the webapp and won't be bummed if you forget a note or something you need to do. It's easier than ever to create lists, save images, reminders, links and so on! It's still in beta and you can try it out right here for free! Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Next steps

So now i'm officially out there. First mvp project is out and quite a few more on the way. I'm not really sure why it has taken me so long for releasing a project. I guess I have this idea in my head that I want everything to be perfect before I show it to anyone. Not a good mindset if I have to say so myself. Anyway, this is it for me on this first blog post. I'll probably create a new one at some point!